Brecht Savelkoul

High-functioning technophobe. Private intellectual.



Mechelen, Belgium




Life's to short to hold grudges. That's why I try to reserve mine for immortal beings such as vampires, long-dead philosophers, and corporations.


Tang Seng on his return to Chang'an (probably): "Ultimately, while invaluable in their own right, these newly discovered texts raise more questions than they answer."

less is more and more is fewer


the only people who truly believe god is dead are the ones who believe the will of god was unchangeably captured in some ancient book

Doug Webb ·

i think IDEs which allow you to use "AI" to generate code should always display those specific lines of code in Comic Sans

josef ·

ACAB includes all those people on the train who gave my dirty looks for playing out some sick tunes from the speakers of my phone.


THIS IS MASSIVE. Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US and will replace their F-16s with European fighters. “We have to be able to count on the predictability of our allies, which is no longer the case with the United States."
More EU states to come. Winning

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alexlunaview ·

"The US taxpayer has been subsidicing the defense of europe"

Look at me in the eyes. Look at me while I say this:





The US 'defense' of Europe is carried out by around 65k US soldiers based in a couple of dozen US military bases in EU territory. The combined armies from the EU countries (and this is not even counting non-EU european countries, like the UK or Norway) have something between 1.5 and 2 million active troops. It doesn't feel those 65k USians are the ultimate line of defense of Europe.

Do you know for whom those soldiers and military bases are crucial, instead? For THE FUCKING US OF AMERICA.

Because, hear me out, WITHOUT EUROPEAN BASES THE US CAN'T PROJECT POWER INTO THE MIDDLE EAST NOR NORTH AFRICA. Yeah, sure, a carrier group is very impressive and the ultimate modern weapon yadda yadda. Good luck sending it to them to the persian gulf straight from the US East Coast. And even better luck trying to supply them without airbases in Europe. Ane even better than better luck putting troops on the groups anywhere in the old world without those bases.

Without their European military bases, the US is no longer a global military power. A major one? sure. But one that's MUCH more local than they have been until know, more similar to Russia or China.

So honestly, maybe it's time to get them to fuck off of our continent.

javi ·

Spotted a ~10yo with a Bored Apes hoodie. What's the story there?



My favorite is that it isn't a paradox. They have been in contact with the ants for thousands of years and the collaboration has been very fruitful. Silly of us to think we are the most interesting thing on a whole planet of living things and in particular silly to think we are more interesting and advanced than the ants.

myrmepropagandist ·

My favourite solution for the Fermi paradox is that we're a remote and purposefully uncontacted civilisation, monitored from a distance by the intergalactic equivalent of FUNAI.


@Jirikiha @nazokiyoubinbou @joby @CptSuperlative @emilymbender

If I asked chat GPT to "turn off the porch light" and it said "OK, I've turned off the light on your porch." I would know that it has not really done this. It has no way to access my porch light. I would realize that it is just giving a text answer that fits the context of the previous prompts.

So, why do people think it makes sense to ask chat GPT to explain how it produced a response?

myrmepropagandist ·

Hello EU people:

There is an EU citizen petition to ban the use of "conversion therapy" on LGBTQ+ folks (i.e., trying to de-LGBTQ us— a process often described as "torture"). If you're interested, you can sign it here:

Please especially take note if you are a national of Spain, Slovenia, Belgium, or the Netherlands; the petition needs about 5x as many votes as it has now, but also needs to hit a threshold in four additional countries, and those are the four closest.

mcc ·

There are only 4 options:

1) Billionaires are more powerful than the government.

2) The government is more powerful than billionaires.

3) The government is the billionaires.🙂🙃

4) There are no billionaires.

Every nation on Earth fits into one of these categories.

mekka okereke :verified: ·

renaming the main branch to 'canon' and side branches to 'heresy' (forking is renamed to schisms and pull requests/merges become ecumenical councils)

mages technologia 16a ·

Is anyone keeping a list of those executives who, when they're mildly criticized, will promptly call that critic's employer to try to get them fired?

I feel strongly that maintaining this list would be a valuable public service.

My DMs are open, and you can email me.

mhoye ·

People on here like to compare Xitter, Meta and the likes to nazi bars. That works to an extent. But I'd say it's more instructive to think of them as casinos. Because however skilled you are at playing the game, you cannot beat the house.


The problem with a one-size-fits-all content policy is that the world isn’t that kind of place. For instance, I am a pacifist. There is a place for a group where pacifists can hang out with each other, free from the noise of the debate about pacifism. And there is a place for the debate. Forcing everyone that signs up for the conversation to sign up for the debate is harmful. Preventing the debate is often also harmful. One company can’t square this circle. 10/

John Goerzen ·

You know The Star-Splangled Banner makes a lot more sense once you realise that the "home of the brave" line is sarcasm.

Here's to hoping that many of his fellow travellers follow the lead of J.M. Le Pen in this blessed year 2025.
